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Posts tagged ‘long distance relationship’

Long Distance Relationship Take a lot of Work

I have never been in a long distance relationship but I think if you are considering one then there have to be clear boundaries and conditions that each of you follow to be able to keep the relationship strong and healthy. If the two of you are secure in who you are to begin with then the relationship between you will be too.

A long distance relationship takes work. Probably more work than a regular distance relationship. Depending on how far the two of you are living apart, seeing each other on somewhat of a regular basis may be quite the challenge.

If the distance is only hundreds of miles then swapping weekends should not be a problem but if the distance is thousands of miles then seeing each other will take planning and saving up for tickets and such.

There are ways to make this type of relationship work and keep it strong and thriving.

For instance, make sure you both are on the same page. Is this relationship one that will be exclusive? If so, make sure that each of you agrees to this.

Set up times when one will call the other. Make it the same every day and stick to it. Nothing will harbor suspicion more than not calling at the pre-determined time. If an emergency comes up then jot off a quick text to your love and promise to call as soon as the crisis is over then apologize and explain what happened in detail.

The more you stay in touch the stronger the relationship will be in the long run. With so many ways to stay in touch these days i.e., email, text, cell phones, video chat, not to mention the old standby, snail mail. Sending flowers on a weekly basis may not be a bad idea either. Anything to make the other feel like they are always in your thoughts is a good idea.

Keeping in contact on a daily basis will make time go by quicker until you can be together again. Cards and letters will make each other smile and keep the love alive. Care packages and little surprises that come in the mail will keep the relationship moving forward as well. If you are out shopping and you see something that reminds you of him, pick it up and send it to him.

Make plans to get together as often as is feasible. If it is doable, pick a spot that is halfway between the two of you and one weekend a month drive to that destination and stay in a hotel. Do not deviate from the plan and do not cancel at the last minute unless it is an emergency. Trust has to go farther in this type of relationship and insecurities can give life to a very active imagination.

Every move you make has to be completely on the up and up. If suspicion enters the picture at any time the long distance relationship will suffer and probably come to an end. Everything you do has to be above reproach.

In the end, the most difficult thing you’ll have to face if you want to get your ex back after cheating is your own self doubt. You know you love your spouse. You’ve already fallen in love once before. All you have to do is get out there and do it again.

Need magic of making up? Watch this free video => http://www.themagicofmakingup.com and see if it sheds a little light on the little things you can do to fan the flames of love and passion in your marriage once again.